Wednesday, November 26, 2008

flavor flav is the king of reality tv

VH1 was suffering and stumbled into Reality TV broadcasting through their parent company MTV. They produced a show, The Surreal Life, and invited an aging Rap icon, Flavor Flav, and a B-movie Siren, Brigette Nelson to join the cast. Little did know or ever expect that “ROMANTICAL” flames were going to arise between these two unlikely lovers. Flavor Flav’s flirtations with Nielsen was so mesmerizing that they were given their own show, the Surreal Life 2. After Nielsen leaving Flav teary-eyed and alone, Flavor of Love was hatched in the minds of the producers. And, the genesis of the Flavor of Love Reality TV shows were created, but better yet, it was Flavor Flav that saved a boring and floundering network.

If you like Flav or not, he has changed the landscape of Reality TV in the world. He gets love from Europe, South America, the Tropics, China and down under in Australia. Can Flav be a little ridiculous and outrageous, and kills millions of your brain cells by watching the Flavor of Love shows? Yes. But, he is just an entertainer.
gives us a glimpse of Flav’s Reality Show Family Tree:

Flavor of Love's Familty Tree

Flav has given to us New York, Deelishis, Hoopz, Myammee, Black, Bootz, Buckeey, Pumpkin, Seezinz, Nibblz and more and more that I care not to mention. New York has her own following. Hoopz wins every Reality TV show she enters. Deelishis has “massive” appeal with her magazine layouts. So does Black, Bootz and Buckeey. Seezinz is “implanting” her way to commericial recognition on the east coast.

Whether we realize it or not, Flav is good for the entertainment business. VH1 realized it and capitalized on his “star” quality. Unfortunately, will Flav be able to capitalize on it as well. He does have 8 mouths to feed. Right!


pimpboybrooklyn77 said...


KTMOZE said...

Pimpboy, keep up the love for I'll put you on the Blogroll.